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BBC Radio 4: Dirty Work

In this documentary, which features Nicki Eyre's own experiences, Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive of the NHS Confederation, and author of the Taylor Review into Modern Workplace Practices is putting bullying in the spotlight.


Is bullying an inevitable part of a stressful and high-pressure work environment or is the fundamental way many workplaces are organised and managed a breeding ground for bullying? Matthew examines how work culture and the law could radically change to help prevent it. 


A Novel production for BBC Radio 4

March 2022

BBC Ideas: How to tell if you're being bullied at work

There's no legal definition of bullying - so how do you know if you are being bullied?

Both Nicki Eyre, Founder of Conduct Change, and Jessica Rowson from Oakwood Solicitors were proud to be invited to participate in this film.

Made by Silverfish Films, 16 September 2022

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nicki eyre

Nicki Eyre, Founder and Managing Director of Conduct Change, has experienced both opportunity and adversity during her career, including her own experience of feeling bullied at work.  She leads the work of the Stop Hurt at Work campaign as they research and campaign for the implementation of effective routes to redress for individuals, both in terms of approach and legislation.

​She has spoken at events both in the UK and internationally through a range of media including events/conferences, podcasts, national radio interviews (Radio 4, Radio 5, Times Radio) and participated in a BBC Ideas short documentary about workplace bullying.

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Jonathan Wilson

Jonathan has over 28 years’ experience working in the Metropolitan Police with much of that time in leadership roles.  During that time, he has witnessed a variety of leadership styles and has seen the organisational culture of the police change dramatically. He has a good understanding of how important a healthy positive culture is to the morale of employees. He has challenged inconsistencies between leadership behaviour and policy when necessary.


Jonathan experienced being the target of bullying some years ago; a period of his life that impacted on him considerably. He now dedicates much of his time to challenging workplace bullying and is an Ambassador for the Stop Hurt at Work campaign.

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Jessica Rowson

Jessica is Head of psychiatric injury & Director at Oakwood Solicitors; a specialist lawyer in the niche legal field of stress at work cases with a particular interest in cases involving matters of workplace bullying. 


Jessica contributed her expertise to a BBC documentary; a one-off special which highlighted daily workplace interactions and asked a group of 18-30 year-olds whether the behaviours displayed could be deemed as bullying and sexual harassment at work. She was also a contributor the the BBC Ideas short documentary about workplace bullying.

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