Schoolgirl bully vitim has her moving song brought to life and released with the help of former victims.
Kay Neumann (12) bravely decided to share her story of being bullied in the amazing inspirational book “Bullied back to life” written by Graham Harris. Through her darkest time, whilst experiencing suicidal thoughts, Kay, from Ohio, found the courage to express her feelings in the form of a poem she hoped would help bring her, and other victims of school bullying, into the open!
Those powerful words in turn inspired Graham Harris, who himself also endured playground bullying, to contact Luiza Staniec, million selling singer composer and owner of a recording studio. Could Luiza create some magical music to bring Kay’s words to life in a powerful song of hope? Luiza, a survivor herself was inspired to write the music and she instantly thought of the impact of having the finished song performed and recorded by up and coming singer Maggie Wojcik herself a 16 year old survivor of bullying.
Everyone involved in the process has a burning passion to end bullying. By coming together, Kay’s song was born and it is now being released to touch the hearts of those around the world who are victims and to encourage them to become survivors.
Kay’s song will also encourage those who see bullying happening around them but who feel like they are helpless bystanders. Author of ‘Bullied Back To Life,’ Graham Harris added, “Kay’s mother, Sarah put Kay’s words out on a social media post and they moved me emotionally, enough for me to want to hear their whole story. Kay’s words took me back over 40 years to my own school playground misery of being bullied and I thought about making her words into a song to express how young minds think about their personal ordeals. I gifted Kay the song as a tribute to her bravery and talent. Bullying has no place in schools or anywhere and we all need to be aware of what is happening right under our noses. My book, and Kay’s song will help victims of abuse learn how to overcome the negative effects of bullying and to begin to reach their potential without feeling locked to their past."
Conduct Change was founded in 2019 with the purpose of changing behaviour in workplaces to create more courageous and compassionate approaches to prevent workplace bullying. The founder, Nicki Eyre, has been through her own workplace bullying experience during her career and recognises the scale of the problem at both an organisational and individual level.
We recognise that workplace bullying is a sensitive topic for many businesses. If you are concerned that you may have a bullying issue in your workplace, or just want help in opening up the conversations, we are here to advise. We offer a free and confidential discussion to understand the issues and explain what options are available for you.
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